We Started our New Partner Family's Home on NW Early Street!

Larry Lee and Florida Power and Light technicians installing power pole

Crew building stem wall for the foundation

Monty Stephens and Larry Lee completing wiring for power pole
Home Dedication March 29, 2019
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Past Projects
Message From Your Chairman
Greetings all:
We finished our home at 268 Ethelind Drive. It looks beautiful. A special thanks is extended to PUBLIX for funding this home. Without PUBLIX, we would have struggled. We had issues, the biggest being the well problem. But with leadership from several Board members, we overcame that hurdle and the house has good water in the home.
A special thanks is extended to: Don Reed Roofing, Florida Pest Control, Bryan Zecher, Menendez Construction, Glenn I Jones A/C, Dale Peeler, Lake City Drywall, John Milton Cabinets, Jimmie Williams/ Columbia High School Building Class, A Proud Plumber, Win Supply, A&B. Septic, Earth Scapes, and Craig Croft.
Additionally, we thank Troy of the Columbia County Building Department and his staff for their guidance and prompt inspections when requested.
A lot of people worked on this project. But several were there day-in-day out. They include: Larry Lee, TD Jenkins, Brendon Jenkins, Willie Harris, Leonard Boice, and George Burnham. Paul LeClair, Pat Elwood, Vic Lantroop, A&B Well, Halls Well, and the Staff of Publix also helped significantly.
There were “lessons learned” with this home. At the time some of the issues seemed very challenging. We got through them all with GOD’s blessings and we “learned our lesson.”.
We’re now planning for the next house… join us.
If you and/or your group or organization would like to sign up for a workday or provide meals, please contact us as info@hfhlakecity.org
Click here to view our Facebook page for more current information on our workdays

Do you shop Amazon often? If so, please consider Amazon Smile, and choose Habitat for Humanity of Lake City /Columbia County as the charitable organization of your choice.
Do you know anyone interested in Owning a Habitat Home?
We are looking for families who are interested in becoming owners of Habitat homes in the Lake City / Columbia County Area. Successful candidates for Habitat homes need to be residents of Columbia County and satisfy three criteria:
- A need for Habitat Housing
- An ability to repay a no-interest mortgage
- A willingness to partner with Habitat
For more information please see our partner family application.
If you would like to have your group, business ,or organization volunteer or provide lunch to our workers, please email us at info@hfhlakecity.org.