Three and only three selection criteria unite Habitat homeowners all over the world.
First, the family must have a need for decent, affordable housing that cannot be met through traditional means. The housing itself maybe substandard or the house is inadequate for the family size.
Second, the family must be able to repay a zero-interest mortgage loan. The applicant must have reasonable good credit and stable income.
The third selection criterion, and a vital component of Habitat’s mission, is the willingness to partner with the affiliate. Habitat homeowners are not passive recipients of a give-away program; rather, they must invest a minimum of 350 hours of time and energy (sweat-equity) in learning to budget, build and maintain their home.
With concerns ranging from income verification to home visits, family selection is a detail-oriented process, but with more than 150,000 families in Habitat houses, the process has been proven to work. And despite the details, the goal remains simple: to offer hope, opportunity and love to families in need.
Approved applicants must complete 350 hours of sweat-equity to qualify for consideration by the Family Selection Committee.
Applicants must also upload or mail in a copy of their credit report during the application phase. Click Here to access your free credit report, or you can also access it at Credit Karma.
If you want to volunteer to help build a house, please click here.
Click here to view income guidelines!